The Don Imus Situation:
Ironically when I first heard of this incident, the only part of the story I heard was that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were calling for the resignation of Don Imus for making racist comments. My thought was here we go again tell them fake preachers to go away and stop trying to get yet another 15 minutes of fame.
It was almost a day later when I actually heard the statement, my whole body just stopped. I was listless I could not believe what I was hearing. I was enraged by this statement. I wanted to hear this in context as opposed to sound bytes (although I really didn't care about the context). Sidebar: Why do I have to go to to get a news stories nowadays?
I had to stop and ask myself if I heard a Black radio host making these statements on his show would I have been so pissed. Probably not I would have thought it was funny, but hearing it from a White man made me feel terribly offended. I felt like he was talking about my wife, my mother, all of the Black women I love.
So this is what I surmise of this whole ordeal. This has helped to put in to perspective for me just how degrading we as Black people really are to each other. We need to challenge our own intelligence as a race. We can be much more creative than using remarks that we would feel would be inflammatory and offensive when we are trying to be humorous are communicate a thought. I need to vow to myself to no longer indulge in this hypocrisy. I can't continue to be enraged for someone saying or doing something I might say or do myself.
That being said, I can't change human nature. The fact is these comments stated by a Black person may very well be found comical, but when said by Don Imus I was ready to beat him over the head with a baseball bat. I know that, and he knows that when he said it, and chose to say it anyhow. He showed a blatant disregard for my feelings as a Black person. I can't blame Don Imus for being Don Imus, he should not have to apologize. The blame goes to any media outlet that continues to support him knowing that he has become an inflammatory figure to all Blacks. If the media decides that his value is bigger than the emotions of Black people, and if they decide his right to free speech is more important than being offensive to Black people then they should be held accountable.
I had never heard of Don Imus before this news report. I have never listened to his show and probably never would have or ever will. If he stays on the air I imagine his ratings will improve from White people who support him, or from people listening in for his next slip up. So terminating Don Imus is not just about Don Imus. It is about his remarks being inflammatory to a large sector of the American public which is served by the media. At some point the media has to be accountable for the service that they provide to the people of America.
Breaking Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa
*This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand
Uganda. *
[image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...
8 years ago
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