As Super Tuesday is almost upon us I thought I would share this for those that want to see how the presidential candidates align with your beliefs:
2008 Presidential Candidate Calculator
When I went through it actually matched me up with Ohio Representative Dennis Kunich, which at the time I had only vaguely heard of him, but after reading his campaign material I had to agree with the match based on the given criteria from the calculator. Of course a few days later he dropped out of the race.
A few editorial comments I would like to share. One about what the calculator calls the Top 5 issues and one about the election in general.
The calculator ranked the Top 5 issues for the voting public as Abortion, Irag Support, Universal Health Care, Same Sex Marriage, and Gun Background Checks. OK, we all know the #1 (and #2 and #3) issue for ever voter is the ECONOMY, but since it wasn't a specific choice it can't show up on the Top 5 (although you would think you would see more of the issues that impact our economy).
Now I can understand Irag Support, Universal Health Care (for which I am unsure at this time how I feel), and Gun Background Checks (in light of all of the tragic shootings last year), but Abortion and Same Sex Marriage as Top 5 Issues?????????
My main reason for having a problem with each of these? Exactly what is a President going to do about either issue? You have 2 positions Pro-Choice or Anti-Abortion. Ironically 50% of the people that are Pro-Choice (maybe even more) are Anti-Abortion they just happen to be Anti-Government as well and they don’t see this as a decision to be made by a bunch of Old Rich White Men in Washington. Last I checked Abortion is legal, and Bush has put in several Conservative Judges in the Federal and Supreme Courts and that still has not changed. The issue isn’t that abortions are legal. The problem is that so many women feel the need to have them for various reasons, and that is going to exist whether it is legal or not.
As for Same Sex Marriage, are people going to vote for the Candidate that says he is going to institute a Marriage Amendment? Really? Will people really allow themselves to be suckered into this again? Bush made this promise, and at the time he had majority in the House and the Senate. He was less than 2 months back in office before he dropped this as a priority due to lack of support. "You mean the same lack of support that was in place when you campaigned on this issue in the first place?" Of course the Democrats are to blame for allowing Bush to use this issue to get votes knowing there was no chance he could follow through. The Democrats have it easy they can say they are in favor of the Marriage Amendment as well, I mean really are gays and lesbians going to vote for a Republican??? As a Christian I can appreciate the debate and concern, but a Top 5 issue?
That leaves me to my comments on the progress of the election in general. I mentioned before beware of the Republicans crossing party lines to vote for Obama. Believe me behind the curtain in November they will be punching the ticket for the nearest available White male. Which at this point appears to be McCain. He is a serious candidate as some of his liberal views attract the Moderate voters and he is just Old and White enough for the rest of the Conservatives to fall in line. As they say Democrats have to “fall in love” with candidates, Republicans just “fall in line.”
What I have found most interesting is the Clinton’s using the race card to polarize the Democratic voters. Brilliant! Now Obama’s worst fear has happened. He has become the “Black” candidate. As seen on this SNL clip your “electability” is a product of your degree of “Blackness.”
The worse thing that could have ever happed for Obama is to have rooms full of Black people supporting him, and to have the general Black population running to his defense. This has awaken the “W” chromosomes in all White people. As they begin to see Obama's similarities to Tyrone, Pookie, and Ray Ray. They begin to see him as a sympathizer to these type of people……. Just Brilliant Bill and Hillary! They (the White voting public) are not going to stand by and watch him be an aid (or enabler) for Black people. They realize what they have to do now!
As I have said before he has more than served his purpose in the eyes of the Democratic Natiobal Convention merely by creating an interest in voting by a new demographic. Most of which would have no problem voting for Hillary if she wins the nomination. Not sure I can say the same if Obama were to win!
Breaking Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa
*This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand
Uganda. *
[image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...
8 years ago
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