I was asked by a friend, how is it that I am making the "Case for Obama" and have never stated personally (on the blog) why I am supporting him. I thought about the comments I shared with regular citizens when I went out canvassing in my neighborhood encouraging people to get out and vote, and to vote for Barack Obama!
When is the last time someone knocked on your door and asked you to get out and vote for a candidate? Obama has inspired me and millions of Americans to get involved.
I have always voted, but never have I felt truly passionate about a candidate like I do now. In the past I picked my candidate because they were the lesser of 2 evils, or because I just disliked one of them so much I voted for the other one. With Obama all of that has changed. I really believe that we can turn around the downward spiral that the Bush administration has placed us on. I believe that the time to do it is NOW and Obama is the MAN that can do it.
I have read Obama’s Blueprint for America and as an Engineer I know that a good Blueprint is the foundation to getting something built. I know that his solutions are just as good as his speeches. I know that he can make a difference in Washington by bringing the parties together, and bringing our country together. I know that the biggest problem we have had over the past decades is not a lack of quality candidates, but more so men of questionable CHARACTER. When I see Obama I know by his candor that he is a MAN of Integrity.
I know that when facing a tough decision that whatever decision he makes will be what is in the best interest of our country, not in his own best interest, not in the interest of lobbyists, not in the interest of being re-elected, not in the interest of the wealthiest Americans.
That is what is important, and that is what is missing in the White House. A man of good CHARACTER that believes in the people of America, and realizes to make CHANGE you don't just change the face at the White House, but you must CHANGE the entire outlook of our government. Just as he has inspired me, he has inspired millions of others. He is the one that can create unity between the parties, he is the one that will get things doe that REALLY MATTER to the AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!
Breaking Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa
*This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand
Uganda. *
[image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...
8 years ago
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