The results of the MA Senate race resulting in a win for the Republicans is said to be a referendum on health care? I say that it a small part of a number of problems.
I mean Coakley obviously ran a poor campaign. She called Curt Schilling a Yankee fan, spelled her own state incorrectly, and took an actual vacation after the primaries? In today's media cycle these type gaffes get more talked about; not the issues. The Schilling comment alone got her labeled as "out of touch" and "moronic" by much of the MA electorate. Coakley squandered what was an almost 30 pt lead in the polls in 30 days.
But as I initially stated there was more to this that was beyond her control. The lack of real progress in the Democratic-controlled Congress cannot be ignored. Congress has been debating the Health Care issue for about a year now and the bill still hasn't been passed. If a bill had been passed it takes the Health Care issue off the table. Instead Brown was able to Champion himself as the hero that could save them from "government take-over of health care."
Congress has accomplished little even with the so called "super-majority." I think people are angry that nothing is getting done and many took their anger out on Coakley by either not voting at all or voting for Brown.
The Democrats unfortunately have stalled on an issue that is virtually split in support across the country. 50% are against the health care plan, while 50% support it and probably half of each side is rather indifferent to see any change made at all.
America has watched the Democrats trip over themselves to see a bill that satisfies the wishes of pretty much no one, while facing unilateral opposition from the minority party. Not a single Republican is evaluating the details of the bill considering what they like and dislike, they are instead leading a unified effort to stifle any progress. While democrats are arguing with one another like teenage siblings. As Dr. King stated, "genuine leaders are not searchers for consensus but molders of consensus."
Democrats barked up the wrong tree making Health Care the #1 issue with support being rather lukewarm across the country. They would have been better served pursuing aggressive regulation of the financial institutions that received huge bailouts and are still passing out bonuses. There is unified support among all Americans to see action and if the Republicans were forced to show public opposition to attempts to clean up Wall Street the Democrats could have buried them for decades!
Instead we will sit and watch them trip over each other into a 2010 mid-term election slaughter and see the perpetual cycle of legislative ineffectiveness continue to blossom...
Breaking Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa
*This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand
Uganda. *
[image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...
8 years ago
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