They opened up a new 24-Hour Fitness near my home. When you are using the fitness equipment there are always televisions, and headphone jacks on the fitness equipment (treadmills, stairmaster, etc.). At this particular location they had televisions, but they didn't have the headphone jacks for you to listen to the programming. After 45 minutes of cardio with no entertainment, I knew something had to give. In addition, at the club that I usually went to the programming was increasingly slanted towards the Lifetime Network persuasion.....
So I noticed that pretty much everybody at the gym had some type of media player, i-pod, mp-3, one of those walkmans on a arm-band they all had something. So I decided to take matters in my own hands and went home to search my house to find my own portable media device so that I can listen to my favorite music at the gym. When I got home the only device I could find was a CD Discman. I thought cool, I can take all my old CD's I can jam every day during my workout!
So my next day at the gym, I had my CD of the Lox (Money, Power, and Respect). The CD is hype I am thinking I will be so inspired I will do an hour of cardio easy and just be throwing up sets of 225 on the bench like nuthin..
OK, first problem. On the modern equipment there is no where to put a discman!!! I failed to notice that every one else had i-pods and little cute mp3 players they could comfortably slide in their pockets. Next, when I finally did find a way to get the discman situated on the treadmill it skipped so much it would not even play. I turned on the 10 seconed ESP (electronic shock protection, do you even remember what that is?) thinking that would solve the problem, it basically saved 10 seconds worth of the CD skipping at a time.

So after another 30 minutes on the treadmill, with absolutley no music at all. I proceeded to work out and as you can imagine I evidently had not thought about what I was going to do with the discman while going from station to station at the gym, before long I had to lug that bad boy to the locker room and store it in my gym bag.
Needless to say I invested in a mp3 player. I share this story as apreemptive strike, as my wife has had entrie groups of people doubling over clowing how "throwed off" I must have looked up there with that d-i-s-c-m-a-n...
1 comment:
DAWG THAT WAS HILLARIOUS!!! I could see it now "So easy...a Caveman can do it!"
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