The Party does not stop. My 8th installment, and I have not even begin to highlight the policy differences between the parties that significantly favor the Democrats and are often misrepresented by republican party officials, and misunderstood by republican voters. I promise my next blog in the series will begin to crack that up. Today I want to drop a little VP talk, we will call this one:
"Obama/Webb 2008"
I mentioned in an earlier blog that Obama would have a tough sell not selecting Clinton as his VP. Because of that comment I was asked if I felt he should pick Clinton? My response, "No way, no how, no chance, it may help in winning the Office, but it would completely undermine his ability to run the Office." Aside from the disdain shelled out towards Obama from "Billary" that has been the centerpiece of the RNC campaign Democrats vs. Obama. Billary has even discussed the possibility of an assassination on at least 3 different occasions. Really??? Can you pick someone that regularly references your death, in hopes that it happens within the not so distant future.
So then the question is who would I prefer Obama select as his VP? Without going through reasons why I think one candidate is good, and another is bad, and another is better, and another would be OK. I am going to just flat out tell you why I support Senator Jim Webb form Virginia.
-He is a former republican who worked under the Reagan administration as Secretary of the Navy, which makes him a moderate Democrat who will balance the ticket with Obama
-He serves on the the committees for Foreign Relations, Veterans' Affairs, and Armed Services.
-He is a Southerner with strong Appalachian, Scots-Irish roots (the very same group Obama has trouble reaching)
-He is a decorated war veteran, having served in Vietnam and being awarded the Navy Cross, Silver Star, Bronze Star, and Purple Heart
-He is not just the "working class" hero he is also an intellect who has penned several books...the latest "A Time to Fight: Reclaiming a Fair and Just America" is a best seller. He also wrote the story and was the executive producer for the 2000 movie Rules of Engagement, which starred Tommy Lee Jones and Samuel L. Jackson.
-He is a fighter (he co-sponsored a bipartisan GI bill & pushed it through the senate & put McCain in the hot seat for voting against it)
-He won VA from a Republican incumbent and although it was a narrow victory, by teaming up with fellow Democrat Virginia Governor Tim Kaine may bring the 13 electoral votes with him.
-He is and was against the war, his sons served in Iraq,the following exchange with President Bush is reason enough by itself to support this guy:
On November 28, 2006, at a White House reception for those newly elected to Congress, Webb declined to stand in the line to have his picture taken with the President, whom Webb often criticized during the campaign. The president approached Webb later and asked him, "How's your boy?", referring to Webb's son, a Marine serving in Iraq. According to Congressman Jim Moran of Virginia, aides warned the President to be "extra sensitive about talking to Webb about his son, since Webb's son had had a recent brush with death in Iraq." Webb replied "I'd like to get them out of Iraq, Mr. President." Bush responded, "That's not what I asked you. How's your boy?" Webb responded, "That's between me and my boy, Mr. President." The Hill cited an anonymous source who claimed that Webb was so angered by the exchange that he confessed he was tempted to "slug" the president, but of course did not. Webb later remarked in an interview, "I'm not particularly interested in having a picture of me and George W. Bush on my wall."
Webb and Obama naturally complement one another Obama himself referred to Jim Webb saying, "Let me tell you something, if you're in a fight -- and we're gonna be in a fight -- you want Jim Webb to have your back."
As with any politician he has his "cons," being labeled somewhat as a misogynist for his position against Women in the Military and being on his 3rd wife doesn't help much. As well as some of Webb's novels reported to have sexual content, including graphic references to female anatomy and purported pedophilia, homosexuality and incest, but most of this was addressed during his race against George Allen so he would know the attacks would be coming and how to address it. He would clobber any candidate the republicans send out as a VP. The main thing I like is that Webb speaks his mind and would not be afraid to tell you what he thinks even if its something you don't want to hear.
You need people like that when you are President. All this being said Jim Webb announced today that he intends to serve his term in the Senate, stating, "under no circumstances will I be a candidate for Vice President." I can only hope he will re-consider, as his response comes in regards to the Obama campaign informing him about the specifics of their apparently fairly rigorous vetting process.
Breaking Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa
*This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand
Uganda. *
[image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...
8 years ago
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