Friday, August 8, 2008

Daily Observations: "Overexposed"

This one follows my usual trend of very silly daily observations, but this has to be one of the most disturbing. At this event a few days ago I had to make a pit stop in the men's restroom. As I walked in and walked towards the urinal I saw something I can honestly say I have never seen in over 30 years of living on this place we call Earth.

As I walked in there was a man standing in front of the urinal with his pants down all the way to his ankles, and yes accompanying those pants were his underwear. So I walked in on bare buns. I have never seen that before when walking into a men's restroom. I am not certain what he may have been doing.

After about 2 seconds of shock I quickly exited the restroom, not even acknowledging what I had just seen. I left too quickly to understand what it is he may have been doing and why he chose the urinal for this and not one of the stalls. Very Disturbing....

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