Monday, October 17, 2011

Can you be Over-Prepared for an Interview?

I had a 2 hour interview last week. Prior to the interview I wanted to jot down some thoughts to prepare for the most common interview questions. So I went to and 5 pages later I had typed out responses to 25 questions.

The crazy part is evidently he did the same thing because 16 of the 20 questions he asked were almost identical to the list I found on Google. The interview went longer than planned due to my well thought out answers and that I tended to lump some of my responses together assuming he wasn't going to ask me all 25 questions I found on Google. I thought he would ask 5-7, worst case 10!

In some ways you couldn't ask for a better scenario, there wasn't one thing I walked out of the interview thinking I wish I would have said, but the ironic thing is in my preparation I think I tended to over-explain how I met the qualifications of the job without having "all the necessary" experience. I think that really only served to highlight the fact that I didn't have experience!

So we shall see....

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